{* #userInformationForm *}
{* traditionalSignIn_emailAddress *}
{* traditionalSignIn_password *}
{* traditionalSignIn_signInButton *}
{* /userInformationForm *}
Welcome back, {* welcomeName *}!
{* loginWidget *}
Welcome back!
{* #userInformationForm *}
{* traditionalSignIn_emailAddress *}
{* traditionalSignIn_password *}
{* traditionalSignIn_signInButton *}
{* /userInformationForm *}
Please confirm the information below before signing in.
All Fields required, unless otherwise indicated
{* #socialRegistrationForm *}
{* socialRegistration_firstName *}
{* socialRegistration_lastName *}
{* socialRegistration_birthYear *}
{* socialRegistration_addressPhone *}
{* socialRegistration_emailAddress *}
Will be used as your user name
{% customQuestions %}
{% customOptin %}
{* /socialRegistrationForm *}
{* #registrationForm *}
請輸入正確資料,確保日後換取優惠時核實個人身份之用途。附有 * 為必須填寫的資料。
{* traditionalRegistration_emailAddress *}
{* traditionalRegistration_password *}
{* traditionalRegistration_passwordConfirm *}
{* firstName *}
{* traditionalRegistration_gender *}
{* traditionalRegistration_ageRange *}
{* traditionalRegistration_address *}
{* traditionalRegistration_phone *}
{* traditionalRegistration_SubscribeEnewsletter *}
{* traditionalRegistration_AgreeTnc *}
{% customQuestions %}
{% customOptin %}
{* traditionalRegistration_RetargetingPolicy *}
顧客成功透過網上登記成為會員,方可參加Regaine® 頭髮再生計劃。
-登記成為會員後,可同時參加藥房限定會員計劃及個人護理連鎖店限定會員計劃 (只限有藥房標誌之萬寧及屈臣氏店舖)兩個計劃,透過購買Regaine®生髮產品並登記產品編號以獲得獎賞。惟於各渠道所購買的產品,需分別登記及計算在其渠道計劃內,不可重覆登記。上載不屬於該渠道計劃之收據,將不獲發放印花而不作另行通知,例如上載藥房之收據到萬寧及屈臣氏的會員計劃,將被視為不合資格,將不獲發放印花,而該產品編號將不能再次被登記。另外注意,不同產品將記錄在不同印花卡上。例如,在藥房購買男士5%產品,將記錄在藥房男士5%印花卡,如在藥房購買女士2%產品,則歸在藥房女士2%印花卡。因每個渠道分別有男士及女士產品可買,即計劃共可有4張印花卡。
-登記產品資料後,將需要等待5個工作天的審批流程,待審批完成,將反映在會員之印花卡上。印花卡以第1盒登記產品日期計起1年內有效 (「1年」以365日計算,下同);如第1盒產品登記日期超過1年,將不獲獎賞。每個計劃內,每項獎賞只可獲一次。
-本計劃若有未盡事宜,Johnson & Johnson Consumer (Hong Kong) Limited保留修改計劃與獎項細節的權利,無須事前通知,並有權隨時對本計劃所有事宜作出解釋或裁決。如顧客必須購買本計劃因不可抗力或其他情事變更因素等特殊原因無法執行時,Johnson & Johnson Consumer (Hong Kong) Limited有權取消、終止、修改或暫停本活動,任何人不得異議,修改訊息將於本網站上公佈,不另行通知,如有任何爭議,Johnson & Johnson Consumer (Hong Kong) Limited. 保留一切之最終決定權。
{* /registrationForm *}
{* #requirementsPostLoginForm *}
{* firstName *}
{* lastName *}
{* phone *}
{* saveButton *}
{* /requirementsPostLoginForm *}
{* #forgotPasswordForm *}
{* traditionalSignIn_emailAddress *}
{* /forgotPasswordForm *}
Looks like you have an existing account with us. We have made some changes to our site and we need you to create a new password in order to login. Click send to recieve an email with instructions on how to create your new password.
{* #optinUserNewPasswordForm *}
{* optinUser_emailAddress *}
{* /optinUserNewPasswordForm *}
{* mergeAccounts *}
{* #tradAuthenticateMergeForm *}
{* traditionalSignIn_emailAddress *}
{* mergePassword *}
{* /tradAuthenticateMergeForm *}
{* #privacyPolicyPostLoginForm *}
By clicking "Accept" below, you confirm that you have read, understand and accept our most recent privacy policy .
{* /privacyPolicyPostLoginForm *}
You do not meet the minimum age requirement to sign in to this site
Please click the email verification link in the message we have sent you, or click the link below to get another message.
Resend Verification
{* #resendVerificationForm *}
You cannot log in until your email address is verified. Please click the email verification link in the message we have sent you, or use the form below to get another message.
{* traditionalSignIn_emailAddress *}
{* submitButton *}
{* /resendVerificationForm *}
All Fields required, unless otherwise indicated
Will be used as your user name